Choosing the right location for your photo-shoot is very important, as the right setting can determine the success of your photo session.

When thinking about what location you should choose for your photo session you need to consider what “look and feel” you would like your photos to have?
For example, would you like your photos to have a ‘natural/nature’ kind of feel, then the beach, forest or a spot on farm would give you great results.

Or, if you would prefer a more ‘vintage’ or ‘urban’ kind of feel, then a photo session somewhere in your neighborhood in an area with big buildings, reflective windows, beautiful doors, a coffee shop or somewhere in a street will give you lots of contrast and the look and “feel” you are after.

You might want to choose a location that is meaningful to you. Celebrating a certain milestone or anniversary with a photoshoot can be so much more special if you choose a place that celebrates that milestone, for example if you are getting engaged, you might choose a location where you met each other, or a place where you spend a lot of time together.

When choosing a location, good lightning is going to be the next biggest consideration.
I love soft, even lightning when doing a photo-shoot. Even lightning is flattering and keep your eye drawn to the people in the photo and not the bright (blown out) areas. This is especially important in summer, when the sun is higher in the sky.
Choosing an area for your photo-shoot with some shaded area are always a great idea as it makes it easier to control the direction of the light and in return it can give you the smooth lightning required for amazing images.

Safety should always come first when choosing a location for your photo session!
A great location can only be great if it is fun and safe for everyone. This is especially important when there is kids involved in the photo-shoot. Choose a location where everyone can relax and enjoy the surroundings!

For me, as portrait and lifestyle photographer, living in Great Brak River has the added advantage of having stunning locations available at my fingertips. On the one hand we have the stunning beaches of Mosselbay, Hartenbos, Kleinbrak, Reebok and Grootbrak, (to name but a few), and on the other hand we have the majestic Outeniqua Mountains of George and surroundings, providing me as a photographer with ample opportunities to do photo sessions on farms, mountains, in the forests and at beautiful streams.